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DoYouEvenLift, Bro?-Sept24

  • 20 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Sup, bro? September is featuring a bro split- that's right, something I rarely do! We'll start the week out classically with chest day (the best day, so they say), move onto posterior chain (back extensors, hammies, glutes/abductors), back day, then anterior chain day (quads, hip flexors, we'll include adductors). I'm including a bonus day of glute max specific training for those who feel so inclined. Arms will be included in their respective days (triceps with chest, biceps with back) and shoulders will be split over upper body days. Do you even lift, bro?

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Monthly Muscle, $25.00/month

Group Discussion

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